Powerd911 – Numéro #1 au Canada

Vérifie dans le référentiel pour des OID en double

Vous désirez vérifier dans votre référentiel si vous avez un modèle qui possède plus d’un objet avec le même OID.

Option Explicit
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if not(RepositoryConnection.Connected) then
  output "La connexion au référentiel est fermée. Impossible d'exécuter le script"
end if

CheckRepositoryElements RepositoryConnection.ChildObjects


Sub CheckRepositoryElements(RepObjColl)

output "Vérification du dossier: " & RepObjColl.Source.Location & "/" & RepObjColl.Source.DisplayName

dim repobj

for each repobj in RepObjColl
   if (repobj.IsKindOf(cls_RepositoryModel)) then
     CheckRepositoryModel repobj
   end if

for each repobj in RepObjColl
   if not (repobj.IsKindOf(cls_RepositoryModel)) then
      if (repobj.IsKindOf(cls_RepositoryBaseFolder)) then
      end if
   end if

End Sub


Sub CheckRepositoryModel(repmdl)

output "Vérification du modèle dans le référentiel: " & repmdl

dim filename, pResult, pFolder

Set pFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) ' 2=TemporaryFolder

filename = fso.BuildPath(pFolder.Path, fso.GetTempName)

repmdl.CheckOutToFile filename, 1, False

if (fso.FileExists(filename)) then
   CheckModelFile filename
   fso.DeleteFile filename, True
   output "Erreur d'extraction::" & repmdl
end if

End Sub


Sub CheckModelFile(fname)

dim idmap, tfile, text, rxp, mch, interid

set idmap = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set tfile = fso.OpenTextFile(fname)
text = tfile.ReadAll()
set rxp = new RegExp
rxp.IgnoreCase = False
rxp.MultiLine = True
rxp.Global = True

' Pattern Property
' https://www.vbsedit.com/html/648fb4cf-2968-491c-b9de-51a7dad965f1.asp
' "$1"
' Example : Id="o4">
' Id="
' (pattern) Matches pattern and remembers the match
' (
' [^""] Matches any character not enclosed. For example, [^""] matches the o4 in "o4">
' + Matches the preceding character one or more times.
' )
' '
' ">
' \s Matches any white space including space, tab, form-feed, etc. Equivalent to "[ \f\n\r\t\v]
' * Matches the preceding character zero or more times.

' "$2"
' (pattern) Matches pattern and remembers the match
' (
' [^<] Remove any character after. For example,[^<] Hello<"x4", result "x4"
' + Matches the preceding character one or more times.
' )

rxp.Pattern = "Id=""([^""]+)"">\s*([^<]+)"
for each mch in rxp.Execute(text)
   interid = rxp.Replace(mch, "$1")
'   output "interid " & rxp.Replace(mch, "$1")
   if (idmap.Exists(interid)) then
      output " *** *** *** *** ID en double a été trouvé: " & interid
      idmap.Add interid, "OID"
   end if

End Sub


A propos des méthodes et des propriétes vbscript suivantes :

  1. Execute method (vbscript) : http://www.vbsedit.com/html/711116fb-9c47-47cb-b664-db8141b8cc69.asp
  2. Replace method (vbscript) : https://www.vbsedit.com/html/810607c5-5926-43d9-b7e8-4126e97000d2.asp
  3. Pattern Property : https://www.vbsedit.com/html/648fb4cf-2968-491c-b9de-51a7dad965f1.asp

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